Tuesday, June 10, 2008

What are counter-belief systems?

Counter belief systems are the type of beliefs that people who have not managed to adapt to any of the world known religions believe in. Examples of these type of believe systems are Voodoo, Anarchism, and Satanism.

Voodoo was practiced in west Africa as a spiritual tradition and arrived the New World due to the importation of slaves. West African Vodun is the real form of the religion. People from the southeastern Ghana, southern and central Togo, southern and central Benin, and southwestern Nigeria, such as the Ewe, Kabye, Mina, Fon , and the Yoruba practice this monotheistic religion. The divine creator of Vodun is Mawu and he embodies a dual cosmogenic principle which represents Mawu as the moon and Lisa as the sun. The moon represents the male aspects and the moon, Lisa, the female aspects.

Anarchism is a political belief that has as a base that there should be no government and ordinary people should work together to improve society. This system differs from the rest of belief systems because we have been talking about religious beliefs which concerns the supernatural, sacred, or divine. Religious beliefs tend to worship a deity (monotheists) or deities (polytheists) and their involvement in the universe or human life. Many religious belief are based on the teachings of a leader.

Satanist, also known as "reverse christians" are the people who worship Satan and their church is called the Church of Satan. The church was founded in 1969 by Anton LaVey and they follow the satanic bible which was also written by this man. 

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