Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Buddhism is a religion which is extended in the southeast of Asia, in a big part of China, and in Japan. The name of the religion is held in honor of it's creator who wanted to call himself Buddha which means the illuminated or the awaken one. 

Buddha's real name was Siddhartha and was born in Nepal near the border with India more than 2500 year ago. He was the son of a king and married a princess called Yasodhara. His father king Suddhodana gave him everything he wanted or needed but then he realized that material wealth was not the ultimate goal of life.

As the legend says, when he was 29 years old, he decided to abandon the comfortable life he had. He said goodbye to his family and went away riding a white horse. During six months he wondered and lived a life with absolutely no luxury with his hair cut to the skin and dressed with orange-red clothes. During those six months he also practiced meditation and yoga which is a practice that comes from Hinduism. One day after finishing meditating, he had a disclosure which determined him to go around the world to radiate his ideas. To make this work easier he formed a group of monks.

Something that makes Buddhism very different from other important religions is that it does not have any god. According to Buddhists every person has a specific Karma that explains how we are, for example beauty, intelligence, cleverness, etc. Buddhists also believe in the four truths and think that the pains that accompany life are caused by the multiple wishes that invade us and make us suffer. To get rid of the pain or suffering we must first get rid or these harmful wishes.

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